“I’ve always wanted to write something about my life but didn’t know how to get started…”

You have so much to say but don’t know how to begin?

Worried no-one will read it anyway?

Not sure what to keep and what to leave out?

You doubt you have the tools or knowledge to write something you’re proud of?

You’re a writer or love the idea of writing but just need some structure and insight into how to craft a story others will actually read?  

Then this is the course you’ve been waiting for!

This 3 step process is valuable for memoir, autobiographical fiction and general writing so your writing becomes irresistible to read.

  • Step 1:

    Declare your writing goals and how you will know you’ve achieved them.

  • Step 2:

    Watch the instruction videos in sequential order, pausing between each one to do the work.

  • Step 3:

    After each video, use the workbook to apply the exercises.

A little more about step 2...

We start with:

  • theme so that you have a sense of the story behind the story; then
  • graduate to voice so you can see how it shapes perspective; 
  • apply story structure and the core elements your writing must have to keep the reader or listener engaged.
  • We make sure there is a hook to ensure you captivate from the start; and lastly
  • examine the secrets of writing flow - how to manufacture and retain it.

You will get:

  • 5 X instruction sessions with helpful examples and applications you can apply for immediate impact for your writing; VALUED AT $299

  • A workbook you can download with over 100 writing prompts and exercises; VALUED AT $49

  • Transcribed notes to go back to each of the writing exercises and apply the techniques so you learn and embed them.

  • TOTAL VALUE: $348 ~~~ FOR ONLY $99 ~~~ 100% money back guarantee*

NB.  This is for you if you find it easy to express yourself, have and can allocate the time, 

Have healthy emotional distance from the subject matter and can see the thread of your own story.

If however, you want to share your story, but 

Don’t have the time, language or perspective to do it justice, 

If it’s too emotionally raw; or 

you can’t see the thread of your story to share it in a way that would add value to someone else - 

then you need Postscript Gold.  

*100% Results Guarantee  if you listen to the instructions and apply the tools.  

“Thank you so very much for creating and running this ….Each session was highly practical and very easy to engage with and follow. It was also very enjoyable to do the exercises. I came up with some really good blog posts out of it. The best thing I got out of it though, is reviving my excitement to write. I have a couple of possibilities for books in the slow cooker as I like to say, but your course has stimulated me to play with stories, and the different ways I could write them. I think I will have to pull one or both of those books out and write them very soon!”

Amanda Heal, author and speaker, NSW

Write your story - in your way